to spread is a form of:


Past or Past Participle form of: Spread
(The act or extent of spreading, an expanse, extent, growth or expansion, the covering on a bed, meal set out on a table; a feast, food meant to be put on bread) ការផ្សាយ, ការរាលដាល, ការសាយភាយ
Example: Spread its wings, Spread to cloth (on the table), The city spread itself, Spread learning, disease, terror, Spread out its wings; spread out payments over 6 years, Spread butter, paint, The branches, disease, story spread. spread of disease ការរាលដាល, wing spread កំណាង, bed spread កម្រាល, sandwich spread គ្រឿងលាបនំប៉័ងសាច់ ។ល។ ដូចជាបឺរ ។ល។
(ពាណិជ្ជកម្ម) ការរាលដាលឬការផ្សាយពាណិជ្ជកម្មលើសមួយចន្លោះ
verbpast tense: Spread ; past participle: Spread ; present participle: Spreading ; 3rd person singular present Spreads
រាលដាល, សុសសាយ (ព័ត៌មាន)
(TRANSITIVE) (to open out to unroll or unfold, to become linger or wider, to be able to be spread, to make or become more widely known or felt or suffered, to distribute over a period, to distribute over an area, to extend in time, to cover) សន្ធឹង, រាយ, លាត, លា, ពង្រីក, វាត, លាតត្រដាង, ផ្សាយ, ភាយ (ក្លិន), ចែក, ពាស, spread a cloth ក្រាល់ spread its wings ត្រដាង, spread one's legs កន្ធែក, spread butter លាប, ប៉ាតលើ, spread news ផ្សាយ, spread a rivet វាយពង្រីក
(INTRANSITIVE) (to extend itself, to be made widely or more widely known felt, etc., to be pushed apart or farther apart, to admit of being smeared) diseases spread ឆ្គង, រាលដាល, rumors spread រាលដាល, rivers spread at the mouth រីកឡើងធំ, rails spread រីក
Example: The icing must be spread over the top of the cake before sing.
  • he has a wide spread of investment
    - គាត់មានភាគហ៊ុនយ៉ាងច្រើនក្នុងក្រុមហ៊ុនផ្សេងៗ
  • spread like wildfire
    - សាយភាយ ឬរាលដាលយ៉ាងលឿន, សុសសាយលឿនដូចភ្លើងឆេះព្រៃ
  • spread on
    - សន្ធឹងលើ, ត្រដាងលើ
  • spread one's net
    - ត្រៀមចាប់
  • spread one's wings
    - ពង្រីកសកម្មភាព
  • spread oneself
    - និយាយ​ឬសរសេរវែកអន្ទាយឬផ្គត់ផ្គង់ដោយសេរី
  • spread out
    - រីកសាយបំបែក
    - បំបែក, បំបែកហ្វូង, សន្ធឹងដៃដោយអស់សង្ឃឹម, បើក, លាតត្រដាង
  • spread over
    - លាតសន្ធឹងក្នុង, អស់រយៈពេល
  • spread to
    - រាលដល់, រាលដាល
  • spread with
    - សន្ធឹងលើ, ដាក់សន្ធឹងពីលើទៅដោយ
Expansion of parts.
A cloth used as a cover for a table or a bed.
A table, as spread or furnished with a meal; hence, an entertainment of food; a feast.
A privilege which one person buys of another, of demanding certain shares of stock at a certain price, or of delivering the same shares of stock at another price, within a time agreed upon.
An unlimited expanse of discontinuous points.
An arbitrage transaction operated by buying and selling simultaneously in two separate markets, as Chicago and New York, when there is an abnormal difference in price between the two markets. It is called a back spreadwhen the difference in price is less than the normal one.
Surface in proportion to the depth of a cut stone.
verbpast tense: Spread ; past participle: Spread ; present participle: Spreading ; 3rd person singular present Spreads
(TRANSITIVE) To extend in length and breadth, or in breadth only; to stretch or expand to a broad or broader surface or extent; to open; to unfurl; as, to spread a carpet; to spread a tent or a sail.
(TRANSITIVE) To extend so as to cover something; to extend to a great or grater extent in every direction; to cause to fill or cover a wide or wider space.
(TRANSITIVE) To divulge; to publish, as news or fame; to cause to be more extensively known; to disseminate; to make known fully; as, to spread a report; -- often acompanied by abroad.
(TRANSITIVE) To propagate; to cause to affect great numbers; as, to spread a disease.
(TRANSITIVE) To diffuse, as emanations or effluvia; to emit; as, odoriferous plants spread their fragrance.
(TRANSITIVE) To strew; to scatter over a surface; as, to spread manure; to spread lime on the ground.
(TRANSITIVE) To prepare; to set and furnish with provisions; as, to spread a table.
(INTRANSITIVE) To extend in length and breadth in all directions, or in breadth only; to be extended or stretched; to expand.
(INTRANSITIVE) To be extended by drawing or beating; as, some metals spread with difficulty.
(INTRANSITIVE) To be made known more extensively, as news.
(INTRANSITIVE) To be propagated from one to another; as, the disease spread into all parts of the city.
air, broadcast, distribute, exhibit, expand, extend, open, scatter, smear, unfold, unfurl
close, conceal, shut
Extent, compass