
(FIGURATIVE) អ្វីៗដែលទទេ
(COLLOQUIAL) Buy a new vacuum ម៉ាស៊ីនបោសផ្ទះ, បូមសម្រាម, vacuum cleaner ម៉ាស៊ីនបោសផ្ទះ, ម៉ាស៊ីនបូមសម្រាម, vacuum bottle តែរម៉ូស, political vacuum ភាពគ្មានអ្នកណាកាន់គ្រប់គ្រង
noun — Plural: Vacua, Vacuums
(វេជ្ជសាស្ត្រ) សុញ្ញាកាស (កន្លែងគ្មានខ្យល់ឬឧស្ម័ន)
(a space with nothing at all in it, an empty space, the space inside a container from which the air has been removed, a void, short for VACUUM CLEANER. -vacuum bottle glass container made of two bottles, one inside the other, with a vacuum between them, such a container and a metal or plastic covering, used to keep substances hot or cold. -vacuum brake brake worked by the exhaustion of air. -vacuum cleaner machine for removing dust, etc) ភាពទទេ (គ្មានអ្វីសោះ), ភាពទទេ (មានតែខ្យល់), ភាពទទេ (គ្មានមនុស្សនៅ), ភាពទទេ (ដែលគេយករបស់ចេញអស់) ភាពទំនេរ (គ្មានអ្នកកាន់កាប់), create a vacuum ភាពឥតមានខ្យល់, សុញ្ញាកាស
(បច្ចេកទេស) ភាពទទេស្អាត, ឬគ្រប់គ្រង
(TRANSITIVE) (to clean with a vacuum cleaner) បោសសំអាតនឹងម៉ាស៊ីនបោសផ្ទះ
  • in vacuum
    - នៅដាច់ពីគេ
  • vacuum bottle
    - តែរម៉ូល
  • vacuum extraction
    - ការប្រើឧបករណ៍បូមក្បាលទារកដើម្បីជួយក្នុងពេលសំរាល
  • vacuum extractor
    - ប្រដាប់ដែលជញ្ជក់ភា្ជប់ក្បាលទារក សំរាប់ឲ្យគ្រូពេទ្យចាប់ទាញទារកនោះចេញនៅពេលការពិបាកសំរាល
noun — Plural: Vacua, Vacuums
A space entirely devoid of matter (called also, by way of distinction, absolute vacuum); hence, in a more general sense, a space, as the interior of a closed vessel, which has been exhausted to a high or the highest degree by an air pump or other artificial means; as, water boils at a reduced temperature in a vacuum.
The condition of rarefaction, or reduction of pressure below that of the atmosphere, in a vessel, as the condenser of a steam engine, which is nearly exhausted of air or steam, etc.; as, a vacuum of 26 inches of mercury, or 13 pounds per square inch.