
(ច្បាប់) នៅដដែលគ្មានផ្លាស់ប្តូរ, នៅមានតម្លៃដដែល
Example: Remain; refuse to change.
ឧទាហរណ៍៖ នៅដដែលបដិសេធមិនព្រមផ្លាស់ប្តូរ ។
(បច្ចេកទេស) យុទ្ធនាការប្រឆាំង, វេទិការសាក្សី (កន្សែងដែលសាក្សីអង្គុយឬឈរដើម្បីផ្តល់កសិណ)
(a standing; a defending or supporting; place where one stands; small table pedestal, or frame to hold something, counter where something is sold, platform, group of trees. -stands raised section of seats for spectators; set of sloping, outdoor seats. -stand a chance to have a chance or possibility. -stand by to be faithful to, to adhere to, to stand ready, wait. -stand on to depend on, rest on. -stand out to be prominent, to be conspicuous, to persistent in opposition. -stand pat to refuse to change or accept changes. -stand up to rise to one's feet. to remain convincing. to remain durable. to fail to keep an appointment. -stand up to to confront, to deal with) flower stand ជើងសម្រាប់ដាក់ទ្រ
Example: in tired to standing, Stand there, Stand still; stand at attention, stand firm, Stand and fight, This cloth will (won't) stand washing, Make a stand. take a stand សម្រេចទ្រទ្រង់អ្វីមួយ, សម្រេចទៅខាងណាម្ខាង, witness stand វេទិកា, concession stand រាន (លក់អីវ៉ាន់), taxi stand កន្លែងចត
(ច្បាប់) វេទិកាសាក្សី
Example: The place where a witness sits or stands to testify.
ឧទាហរណ៍៖ កន្លែងដែលសាក្សីអង្គុយ ឬឈរដើម្បីផ្តល់កសិណ ។
verbpast tense: Stood ; past participle: Stood ; present participle: Standing ; 3rd person singular present Stands
(INTRANSITIVE) (to have or take or keep a stationary upright position, to be of a specified height, to be situated, to place, to set upright, to gather and remain, to remain unchanged, to be in a (specified) condition, to make resistance, to halt, to be a candidate) ឋិត, នៅ, នៅនឹង, រក្សាខ្លួន, ឈប់ (លែងទៅមុខ, ធ្វើអ្វីទៅទៀត), ក្រិត, (ដោយដែកដុត), ដាក់សញ្ញា​ឬម៉ាក់
(TRANSITIVE) (to make stand; put upright; to put up with; to withstand; to bear the cost of) stand it there បញ្ឈរ, ដាក់បញ្ឈរ, stand the cold ទ្រាំ
នៅតែសុំដាក់ខ្លួនជាបេក្ខជន, តាំងនៅ, ប្រកាន់យកផ្លូវ
(POLITICAL) Stand (for election) ឈរឈ្មោះ (សម្រាប់ការបោះឆ្នោត)
Stand (six feet tall) មានកម្ពស់
  • concession stand
    - តូបដែលគេអនុញ្ញាតឱ្យដាក់លក់នៅកន្លែងណាមួយ
  • display stand
    - រានតាំងទំនិញ
  • floor stand
    - កន្លែងតាំងទំនិញនៅខាងក្រោមផ្ទល់នឹងឥដ្ឋ
  • music stand
    - ជើងដាក់តាំងណោតភ្លេង ឬសញ្ញាភ្លេង
  • new stand
    - តូបលក់កាសែត
  • news stand
    - តូបលក់កាសែត
  • one-night stand
    - ការធ្វើ ឬ លេងតែមួយយប់ (ល្ខោន, សៀក ។ល។)
  • shares which stand at discount
    - ភាគហ៊ុនដែលមានតម្លៃទាបជាងតម្លៃចុះលើប័ណ្ណ
  • stand a chance
    - មានឱកាសនឹងសម្រេចអ្វីមួយ
    - មានឱកាសនិងជោគជ័យ
  • stand aside
    - ចៀសផ្លូវ
  • stand at
    - មានចំនួនកម្រិត
  • stand by
    - អ្នកចាំជំនួស, មនុស្សសម្រាប់ជំនួស
  • stand by agreement
    - កិច្ចព្រមព្រៀងត្រៀម
  • stand by corrected
    - ទទួលយកការកែតម្រូវ
  • stand by credit
    - ឥណទានបម្រុង
  • stand by down
    - ដកខ្លួនចេញពីដំណែងឬបេក្ខភាព
  • stand by fare
    - ថ្លៃសំបុត្រយន្នហោះថោកៗ
  • stand by ticket
    - សំបុត្រយន្តហោះថោកៗដែលត្រូវគេលក់នៅពេលសល់កន្លែង
  • stand firming
    - ប្រកាន់ខ្ជាប់, មិនផ្លាស់ប្ដូរយោបល់
  • stand for office
    - ឈរឈ្មោះបោះឆ្នោត, ឈរឈ្មោះសម្រាប់តំណែង
  • stand here
    - ឈរនៅទីនេះ
  • stand in
    - តំណាងអោយជំនួសអោយ
  • stand in somebody's way
    - រារាំង​មិន​អោយ​នរណា​ម្នាក់​ធ្វើ
  • stand liable for damages
    - ទទួលខុសត្រូវចំពោះសំណងលើកការខូច​ខាត
  • Stand mute
    - នៅស្ងៀមស្ងាត់, មិនជជែកតវ៉ា
  • stand off
    - គេចចេញឆ្ងាយ, ឈរនៅក្រៅបណ្តាញ (និយោកជិក)
  • stand on
    - នៅតែបន្ត
  • stand on ceremony
    - មានអាកប្បកិរិយាជាផ្លូវការ
  • stand on one's feet
    - ពឹងពាក់ដោយខ្លួនឯងឯករាជ្យ
  • stand one's ground
    - រក្សាជំហរយ៉ាងមាំ, មិនទោរទន់
  • stand out
    - លេចធ្លោ
    - លេចធ្លោ, ខិតខំព្យាយាម
  • stand over
    - ពន្យាពេល
  • stand pat
    - ប្រកាន់ខ្ជាប់នូវសេចក្ដីសម្រេចចិត្ដរបស់ខ្លួន
  • stand security for somebody
    - ធានាចេញសងសម្រាប់នរណាម្នាក់
  • stand still
    - ដំណើរនៅទ្រឹងមួយកន្លែង
  • stand to
    - ត្រៀមធ្វើការវាយប្រហារ, ទំនងជា, ប្រាកដជា
  • stand to reason
    - មិនជាការប្លែកទេ
    - ជាក់ស្តែង, ច្បាស់លាស់
  • stand trial
    - ឡើងតុលាការ
  • stand up
    - ក្រោកឈរ
    - ងើបឈរ ពុំបានរក្សាពាក្យសន្យា
  • stand up for
    - គាំទ្រ, ឈរខាង
  • stand up to
    - ប្រឈមដោយក្លាហានងើបឡើងប្រឆំាងតស៊ូ
  • stand well with somebody
    - នៅឈរខាងនរណាម្នាក់, គាំទ្រនរណាម្នាក់
  • take one's stand on
    - អាស្រ័យលើ
  • taxi stand
    - ចំណតតាក់ស៊ី
The act of standing.
A halt or stop for the purpose of defense, resistance, or opposition; as, to come to, or to make, a stand.
A place or post where one stands; a place where one may stand while observing or waiting for something.
A station in a city or town where carriages or wagons stand for hire; as, a cab stand.
A raised platform or station where a race or other outdoor spectacle may be viewed; as, the judge's or the grand stand at a race course.
A small table; also, something on or in which anything may be laid, hung, or placed upright; as, a hat stand; an umbrella stand; a music stand.
A place where a witness stands to testify in court.
The situation of a shop, store, hotel, etc.; as, a good, bad, or convenient stand for business.
A state of perplexity or embarrassment; as, to be at a stand what to do.
A young tree, usually reserved when other trees are cut; also, a tree growing or standing upon its own root, in distinction from one produced from a scion set in a stock, either of the same or another kind of tree.
A weight of from two hundred and fifty to three hundred pounds, -- used in weighing pitch.
verbpast tense: Stood ; past participle: Stood ; present participle: Standing ; 3rd person singular present Stands
(INTRANSITIVE) To be, or signify that one is, willing to play with one's hand as dealt.
(INTRANSITIVE) Rank; post; station; standing.
To be at rest in an erect position; to be fixed in an upright or firm position
To be supported on the feet, in an erect or nearly erect position; -- opposed to lie, sit, kneel, etc.
To continue upright in a certain locality, as a tree fixed by the roots, or a building resting on its foundation.
To occupy or hold a place; to have a situation; to be situated or located; as, Paris stands on the Seine.
To cease from progress; not to proceed; to stop; to pause; to halt; to remain stationary.
To remain without ruin or injury; to hold good against tendencies to impair or injure; to be permanent; to endure; to last; hence, to find endurance, strength, or resources.
To maintain one's ground; to be acquitted; not to fail or yield; to be safe.
To maintain an invincible or permanent attitude; to be fixed, steady, or firm; to take a position in resistance or opposition.
To adhere to fixed principles; to maintain moral rectitude; to keep from falling into error or vice.
To have or maintain a position, order, or rank; to be in a particular relation; as, Christian charity, or love, stands first in the rank of gifts.
To be in some particular state; to have essence or being; to be; to consist.
To be consistent; to agree; to accord.
To hold a course at sea; as, to stand from the shore; to stand for the harbor.
To offer one's self, or to be offered, as a candidate.
To stagnate; not to flow; to be motionless.
To measure when erect on the feet.
To be or remain as it is; to continue in force; to have efficacy or validity; to abide.
To appear in court.
(TRANSITIVE) To endure; to sustain; to bear; as, I can not stand the cold or the heat.
(TRANSITIVE) To resist, without yielding or receding; to withstand.
(TRANSITIVE) To abide by; to submit to; to suffer.
(TRANSITIVE) To set upright; to cause to stand; as, to stand a book on the shelf; to stand a man on his feet.
(TRANSITIVE) To be at the expense of; to pay for; as, to stand a treat.