to twist is a form of:


(1. Something twisted or formed by twisting, especially: a. A length of yarn, cord, or thread, especially a strong silk thread used mainly to bind the edges of buttonholes. b. Tobacco leaves processed into the form of a rope or roll. c. A loaf of bread or other bakery product made from pieces of dough twisted together. d. A sliver of citrus peel twisted over or dropped into a beverage for flavoring. 2. The act of twisting or the condition of being twisted; a spin, twirl, or rotation. 3. Sports. a. A complete rotation of the body around its vertical axis, as in diving and gymnastics. b. A spinning motion given to a ball when thrown or struck in a specific way. 4. a. The state of being twisted into a spiral; torsional stress or strain. b. The degree or angle of torsional stress. 5. a. A contortion or distortion of the body, especially the face. b. A distortion of meaning: gave my words a misleading twist. 6. A sprain or wrench, as of an ankle. 7. A change in direction; a turn: a sharp twist in the path. 8. An unexpected change in a process or a departure from a pattern, often producing a distortion or perversion: a twist of fate; a story with a quirky twist. 9. A personal inclination or eccentricity; a penchant or flaw: an odd twist to his character. 10. A dance characterized by vigorous gyrations of the hips and arms) give (the knob) a twist មួល, a twist of hair កណ្ដាញ a twist in the road ការបត់បែន, a new twist លក្ខណៈប្លែក
(បច្ចេកទេស) ទំនោរ ឬលក្ខណៈប្លែកនៃចិត្ត, ការវិវត្តន៍ដែលពុំអាចរំពឹងទុកបាន, ការបត់បែន
verbpast tense: twisted ; past participle: twisted ; present participle: twisting ;
(INTRANSITIVE) (to become tangled or distorted, to wriggle to follow a roundabout course) roads twist បត់បែន, bolts twist វិល
Example: 1. twisted the bandage round her knee.
មួយ, វេញ, ផ្តល់អត្ថន័យខុសបត់
(TRANSITIVE) ~ something (round something round) (to cause to turn round, to control or distort, to wreathe, to wind around something, to wind or turn in a curve, to wind together, to distort the meaning of, to distort [the face, etc]) twist a knob មួល, twist two strings together ត្របាញ់បញ្ចូលគ្នា, twist one's ankle ធ្វើអោយគ្រេច
A little twisted roll of tobacco.
The act of twisting; a contortion; a flexure; a convolution; a bending.
The form given in twisting.
That which is formed by twisting, convoluting, or uniting parts.
A cord, thread, or anything flexible, formed by winding strands or separate things round each other.
A kind of closely twisted, strong sewing silk, used by tailors, saddlers, and the like.
A kind of cotton yarn, of several varieties.
A roll of twisted dough, baked.
One of the threads of a warp, -- usually more tightly twisted than the filling.
A material for gun barrels, consisting of iron and steel twisted and welded together; as, Damascus twist.
The spiral course of the rifling of a gun barrel or a cannon.
A beverage made of brandy and gin.
A strong individual tendency, or bent; a marked inclination; a bias; -- often implying a peculiar or unusual tendency; as, a twist toward fanaticism.
Act of imparting a turning or twisting motion, as to a pitched ball; also, the motion thus imparted; as, the twist of a billiard ball.
verbpast tense: twisted ; past participle: twisted ; present participle: twisting ;
(TRANSITIVE) Hence, to turn from the true form or meaning; to pervert; as, to twist a passage cited from an author.
(TRANSITIVE) To contort; to writhe; to complicate; to crook spirally; to convolve.
(TRANSITIVE) To distort, as a solid body, by turning one part relatively to another about an axis passing through both; to subject to torsion; as, to twist a shaft.
(TRANSITIVE) To wreathe; to wind; to encircle; to unite by intertexture of parts.
(TRANSITIVE) To wind into; to insinuate; -- used reflexively; as, avarice twists itself into all human concerns.
(TRANSITIVE) To unite by winding one thread, strand, or other flexible substance, round another; to form by convolution, or winding separate things round each other; as, to twist yarn or thread.
(TRANSITIVE) Hence, to form as if by winding one part around another; to wreathe; to make up.
(TRANSITIVE) To form into a thread from many fine filaments; as, to twist wool or cotton.
(INTRANSITIVE) To be contorted; to writhe; to be distorted by torsion; to be united by winding round each other; to be or become twisted; as, some strands will twist more easily than others.
(INTRANSITIVE) To follow a helical or spiral course; to be in the form of a helix.
bend, bow, crook, curve, deflect, loan, revolve, rotate, spin, turn, twirl, whirl
break, resist, stiffen, straighten
A twig