neighborhoods is a form of:
- 1.
- (COLLOQUIAL) In the neighborhood of ($10) ម្ដុំៗ
Example: The value of the property in this neighborhood has been increasing steadily.
- 1.
- (Area or district where a person lives, the people living nearby or near one another in the neighborhood of near not. far from. -in the neighborhood of approximately, about) ភាពជាអ្នកជិតខាង, ទីជិតខាង, តំបន់ជិតខាង, ការទាក់ទងគ្នារវាងគ្នាជិតខាង
Example: A Pleasant neighborhood, in the neighborhood of, The neighborhood held a barbecue, the town is in the neighborhood of the Tonlė Sap Lake.arouse the neighborhood មនុស្សក្នុងសង្កាត់ណាមួយ
- 1.
- The quality or condition of being a neighbor; the state of being or dwelling near; proximity.
- 2.
- A place near; vicinity; adjoining district; a region the inhabitants of which may be counted as neighbors; as, he lives in my neighborhood.
- 3.
- The inhabitants who live in the vicinity of each other; as, the fire alarmed all the neiborhood.
- 4.
- The disposition becoming a neighbor; neighborly kindness or good will.
- 1.
- adjacency, block, district, environs, locality, nearness, vicinity
- 1.
- distance, remoteness