tastes is a form of:


(The sense by which the taste buds on the tongue; the quality perceived through this sense, that sense by which one tells the flavor of anything; flavor, sample, ability to appreciate what is beautiful, trained judgment, style or character showing the presence or lack of such ability, preference; liking, aesthetic appreciation, small amount) sense of taste ជីវ្ហាវិញ្ញាណ, delicious taste រស, រសជាតិ, have good taste ស្គាល់របស់ល្អ, have a taste for ការចូលចិត្ដ, to my taste ចំណូលចិត្ដ, in good taste ថ្លៃថ្នូរ, taste bud កន្ទួលតូចៗនៅលើអណ្ដាត (បិណ្ឌិកា)
រសជាតិ, ចំណង់ចំណូលចិត្តខាង
(វេជ្ជសាស្ត្រ) ជីវហាវិញ្ញាណ, រសជាតិ
verbpast tense: tasted ; past participle: tasted ; present participle: tasting ;
ធ្លាប់ស្កាល់ ទទួលបទពិសោធន៍
(INTRANSITIVE) (1. To distinguish flavors in the mouth. 2. To have a distinct flavor: The stew tastes salty. 3. To eat or drink a small amount. 4. To have experience or enjoyment; partake: tasted of the life of the very rich) (This bread) tastes (stale) មានរសជាតិ, taste of មានជាតិអ្វីមួយបន្ដិចជាង
Example: Sugar has a sweet taste.
(TRANSITIVE) (to discover or test the flavor of (a thing) by taking it into the mouth, to be able to perceive flavors, to have a certain flavor, to experience. -taste bud any of the clusters of calls at the base of the papillae of the tongue, which are the end organs of the sense of taste) taste the soup ភ្លក់
Example: Mr.Somsari the soup and said it was too salty, taste of poverty, first taste of sailing the sea, oriental taste, in bad (poor) taste, taste bud.can't taste anything ដឹងរសជាតិ, taste freedom ក្រេបរសជាតិ
  • grassy taste
    - ដែលធុំស្មៅៗ
  • sense of taste
    - ជីវ្ហាវិញ្ញាណ
  • sweet taste
    - រសជាតិផ្អែម
  • taste bud
    - បិណ្ឌិកា, កន្ទួលតូចៗនៅលើអណ្ដាត
  • taste organ
    - សរីរាង្គជីវហាវិញ្ញាណ
  • taste pore
    - ប្រហោងជីវហាវិញ្ញាណ, រន្ធអណ្តាត
  • To leave a nasty taste in my month
    - ធ្វើឲ្យមានអារម្មណ៍មិនល្អ
Manner, with respect to what is pleasing, refined, or in accordance with good usage; style; as, music composed in good taste; an epitaph in bad taste.
The act of tasting; gustation.
A particular sensation excited by the application of a substance to the tongue; the quality or savor of any substance as perceived by means of the tongue; flavor; as, the taste of an orange or an apple; a bitter taste; an acid taste; a sweet taste.
The one of the five senses by which certain properties of bodies (called their taste, savor, flavor) are ascertained by contact with the organs of taste.
Intellectual relish; liking; fondness; -- formerly with of, now with for; as, he had no taste for study.
The power of perceiving and relishing excellence in human performances; the faculty of discerning beauty, order, congruity, proportion, symmetry, or whatever constitutes excellence, particularly in the fine arts and belles-letters; critical judgment; discernment.
Essay; trial; experience; experiment.
A small portion given as a specimen; a little piece tastted of eaten; a bit.
A kind of narrow and thin silk ribbon.
verbpast tense: tasted ; past participle: tasted ; present participle: tasting ;
(TRANSITIVE) To try by the touch; to handle; as, to taste a bow.
(TRANSITIVE) To try by the touch of the tongue; to perceive the relish or flavor of (anything) by taking a small quantity into a mouth. Also used figuratively.
(TRANSITIVE) To try by eating a little; to eat a small quantity of.
(TRANSITIVE) To become acquainted with by actual trial; to essay; to experience; to undergo.
(TRANSITIVE) To partake of; to participate in; -- usually with an implied sense of relish or pleasure.
(INTRANSITIVE) To try food with the mouth; to eat or drink a little only; to try the flavor of anything; as, to taste of each kind of wine.
(INTRANSITIVE) To have a smack; to excite a particular sensation, by which the specific quality or flavor is distinguished; to have a particular quality or character; as, this water tastes brackish; the milk tastes of garlic.
(INTRANSITIVE) To take sparingly.
(INTRANSITIVE) To have perception, experience, or enjoyment; to partake; as, to taste of nature's bounty.
flavor, relish, saver, tang, discernment, disposition, inclination, judgement, liking, predilection, sensibility, zest
antipathy, disinclination, indelicacy, insipidity