cutlets is a form of:
ជាពាក្យបំព្រួញនៃពាក្យ custom of the port,
Same as: merlon- 1.
- (FIGURATIVE) ថ្កៀប, កៀប, ក្ដិច, ចិប, ខ្ជិប (បិទជិត) / ក្ដោប, រិត cop a diamond លួច, cop a crook ចាប់បាន
- 1.
- (COLLOQUIAL) (A policeman) ប៉ូលីស, ភ្នាក់ងារប៉ូលីស
verb — past tense: copped ; past participle: copped ;
- 1.
- (SLANG) (TRANSITIVE) (To seize, to win, to steal, etc., to suffer. -cop out to confess to the police, to quit) ចាប់បាន (ចោរ)
- 1.
- The top of a thing; the head; a crest.
- 2.
- A conical or conical-ended mass of coiled thread, yarn, or roving, wound upon a spindle, etc.
- 3.
- A tube or quill upon which silk is wound.
- 1.
- A policeman