
ជាពាក្យបំព្រួញនៃពាក្យ After Sight,
( (in that degree, so, far, since, because, when, which, in like manner, that, equally, to the same extent, for instance, in the manner of, because, while, though, speaking of, concerning, concerning about) buy food as well furniture ទិញទាំងម្ហូប​ទាំងគ្រឿងសង្ហារឹម men as well as woman ស្រីក៏ដូចគ្នានឹងប្រុស, ស្រីក៏ដូចប្រុសដែរ
Do I say ដូច talk as you walk ដើរផងនិយាយផងទៅ as though ដូចជា go as a unit ទៅជាក្រុម as a rule ធម្មតា
  • act as chairman
    - ធ្វើជាប្រធានស្ដីទី
  • act as if
    - ធ្វើដូចជា
  • as a matter of fact
    - តាមការពិត
  • as a precautionary measure
    - វិធានកាលទប់ទល់កុំអោយអ្វីមួយកើតឡើង
  • as an insurance against
    - ជាមធ្យោបាយ​សម្រាប់ទប់ទល់កុំអោយ
  • as easy as ABC
    - យ៉ាងងាយស្រួល
  • as follow
    - ដូចខាងក្រោម
  • as good as
    - ស្រដៀងគ្នានឹង, ដូចគ្នានឹង
  • as good as a play
    - សប្បាយណាស់
  • as good as gold
    - ល្អដូចមាស
  • as good as his word
    - ធ្វើដូចមាត់ថាគ្រប់យ៉ាង
  • as good as play
    - សប្បាយរីករាយណាស់
  • as if
    - ប្រហែលនឹងថា, ដូចជាថា
  • as it happens
    - តាមពិត
  • as it stands
    - ក្នុងស្ថានភាពបច្ចុប្បន្ន
  • as large as life
    - ជាក់សែ្តង
  • as per
    - យោងទៅតាម
    - យោងតាម
  • as per advice
    - យោងទៅតាមអ្វីដែលគេសសេរលើ
    - យោងតាមការជូនដំណឹង
  • as per invoice
    - យោងទៅតាមវិក័យប័ត្រ
  • as per previous order
    - ដូចតាមអាណត្តិមុន
  • as seen
    - ដូចឃើញស្រាប់, តាមមើលឃើញ
  • as soon as
    - ខណៈដែល, ពេលដែល
  • as soon as possible
    - លឿនតាមដែលអាចធ្វើទៅបាន
  • as well
    - ផងដែរ
  • as witness here to
    - ជាសាក្សីចំពោះបញ្ហានេះ
  • as yet
    - នៅឡើយ, មកទល់ពេលនេះ
  • be as good as one's word
    - ធ្វើអោយដូចការសន្យា
  • be good as to
    - សូមមេត្ដា, សូមប្រោសប្រណី
  • call as a witness
    - ហៅអោយមកធ្វើជាសាក្សី
  • continue as before
    - ធ្វើដដែលៗ
  • define as
    - កំណាត់ន័យបញ្ជាក់លក្ខណៈ
  • describe as
    - ពណ៌នាថាជា, និយាយថាយ៉ាងណាៗ
  • dismiss as
    - បដិសេធចោល, ទាត់ចោលដោយចាត់ទុក (ថាគ្មានតម្លៃ..)
  • even as
    - នៅពេលដែលចំពេលដែល
  • fancy oneself as
    - យល់ឃើញថាខ្លួនសមនឹងតួនាទីអ្វីមួយ
  • fit as a fiddle
    - មានសុខភាពល្អ
  • for as much as
    - ដោយ
  • I read as well as you do
    - ខ្ញុំអានបានល្អដូចលោកដែរ
  • I think as you do
    - ខ្ញុំគិតដូចលោកដែរ
  • inasmuch as
    - ដោយហេតុថា
  • lodge securities as collateral
    - ដាក់បញ្ចាំប័ណ្ណតំណាងទ្យព្រនៅធនាគារ
  • make as if to
    - ប្រហែលជា
  • not as yet
    - មិនទាន់
  • on her appointment as librarian
    - ពេលនាងធ្វើជាបណ្ណារក្ស
  • pay as you earn
    - បង់នៅពេលរកបាន (វិធីប្រមូលពន្ធផ្ទាល់ដែលនិយោជកដកពីកម្រៃឈ្នួលហើយបង់អោយរដ្ឋ)
  • proud as a peacock
    - ដែលក្រអឺតក្រអោងក្រៃលែង
  • qualify as
    - មានលក្ខណៈគ្រប់គ្រាន់ជា
  • rank as
    - ចាត់ថ្នាក់ជា
A Roman weight, answering to the libra or pound, equal to nearly eleven ounces Troy weight. It was divided into twelve ounces.
A Roman copper coin, originally of a pound weight (12 oz.); but reduced, after the first Punic war, to two ounces; in the second Punic war, to one ounce; and afterwards to half an ounce.
Denoting equality or likeness in kind, degree, or manner; like; similar to; in the same manner with or in which; in accordance with; in proportion to; to the extent or degree in which or to which; equally; no less than; as, ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil; you will reap as you sow; do as you are bidden.
In the idea, character, or condition of, -- limiting the view to certain attributes or relations; as, virtue considered as virtue; this actor will appear as Hamlet.
While; during or at the same time that; when; as, he trembled as he spoke.
Expressing concession. (Often approaching though in meaning).
That, introducing or expressing a result or consequence, after the correlatives so and such.
For instance; by way of example; thus; -- used to introduce illustrative phrases, sentences, or citations.
Expressing a wish.
As if; as though.
Because; since; it being the case that.
An ace