owes is a form of:


verbpast tense: owed ; past participle: owed ; present participle: owing ;
(TRANSITIVE) ~ (somebody for something; something, to somebody) (to be bound to repay. he indebted for) owe him the money ជំពាក់
Example: Owe money, duty to, We owe this building to the generosity of Mr. Dara, There was no play owing to the rain, to owe money; to owe loyalty.owe his success to hard work គាត់បានជោគជ័យដោយសារការខំធ្វើការ
(បច្ចេកទេស) ជំពាក់
  • I Owe You
    - ខ្ញុំជំពាក់លោក
  • owe it to somebody do something
    - មានអារម្មណ៍ថា
  • owe to
    - ជំពាក់, ទទួលស្គាល់ថាជាប្រភពនៃ, ផ្ដល់ភារកិច្ចដល់
verbpast tense: owed ; past participle: owed ; present participle: owing ;
To possess; to have, as the rightful owner; to own.
To have or possess, as something derived or bestowed; to be obliged to ascribe (something to some source); to be indebted or obliged for; as, he owed his wealth to his father; he owed his victory to his lieutenants.
Hence: To have or be under an obigation to restore, pay, or render (something) in return or compensation for something received; to be indebted in the sum of; as, the subject owes allegiance; the fortunate owe assistance to the unfortunate.
To have an obligation to (some one) on account of something done or received; to be indebted to; as, to iwe the grocer for supplies, or a laborer for services.