
ជាពាក្យបំព្រួញនៃពាក្យ free on rail,
(because of, instead of, toward, on account of, in favor of, in place of, during, as being, considering, in rectum for, on behalf of, in spite of, in respect to, intended to belong to) buy a gift for him អោយ, ទុកអោយ, សម្រាប់ shut the door for me អោយ, This is for my wife សម្រប work for him អោយ, substitute for him ជំនួសគាត់ go for a walk ទៅដើរកំសាន្ដ, food for eating សម្រាប់ thank him for helping ដោយ, three for a dollar បីមួយដុល្លារ, pressed for time មិនសូវមានពេលច្រើន, for a long time now ជាយូរណាស់មកហើយ, for a long time to come ជាយូរតទៅទៀត, It's for you to decide ស្រេចតែលោកចុះ, start for London ឆ្ពោះទៅ, It's time for dinner ដល់ពេលបរិភោគបាយល្ងាចហើយ
សម្រាប់, ពីព្រោះតែ
  • a matter for negotiation
    - បញ្ហាត្រូវតែពិភាក្សាមុនធ្វើការសម្រេចចិត្ត
  • account for
    - ពន្យល់, យកមកគិត, ទទួលនូវអំពើរបស់ខ្លួន
    - ផ្ដល់ព័ត៌មានល្អិតល្អន់ពី
    - ដឹងពីព័ត៌មានរបស់
    - ផ្សំឡើង, ផ្ដុំ
  • account for (cornier)
    - យកមកគិត
  • account for (new)
    - ទទួលនូវផលនៃអំពើ
  • ache for
    - ចង់យ៉ាងខ្លាំង
  • act for
    - តំណាងអោយ
    - តំណាងអោយ, ជំនួសអោយ
  • adapt for
    - កែសម្រួល
  • advertise for
    - ផ្សាយរកកាសែត
  • advertise for (cornier)
    - ផ្សាយដំណឹងរកទិញ
  • agitate for
    - ទាមទារ, ធ្វើយុទ្ធនាការដើម្បី
  • allow for
    - បញ្ចុះតម្លៃ
    - យកមកគិត, ពិចារណា
  • American Standard Code for Information Interchange
    - លេខកូដគំរូអាមេរិកសម្រាប់បំលាស់ប្ដូរព័ត៌មាន
  • angle for
    - ប្រើល្បិចដើម្បីប្រយោជន៍, និយាយព្រលយដើម្បីអោយចេញរឿងអ្វីមួយ
  • annuity for life
    - ជីវលាភ
  • answer for
    - ទទួលខុសត្រូវចំពោះ
    - រាយការណ៍លំអិតពី, ផ្ដល់ព័ត៌មានពិស្ដារពី
    - ឆ្លើយទទួលជំនួស
    - ទទួលនូវផលនៃអំពើរបស់ខ្លួន
  • apologies for absence
    - តារាងឈ្មោះសមាជិកដែលសូមទោសចំពោះអវត្តមានក្នុងការប្រជុំវាត្រូវបានគេអានក្នុងកិច្ចចាប់ផ្តើមប្រជុំ
  • appeal for
    - សុំអង្វរទៅឲ្យ
  • appear for
    - ឡើង​បង្ហាញ​មុខ​នៅ​តុលា​ការ
  • applicant for letter of credit
    - អ្នកស្នើសុំបើកសារឥណទាន
  • application for a job
    - ការសុំការងាធ្វើ
  • application for quotation
    - ការសុំចូលផ្សារហ៊ុនអន្តរជាតិ
  • application for registration
    - ការដាក់ពាក្យសុំចុះឈ្មោះ
  • apply for
    - ដាក់ពាក្យសុំ
  • apply for a job
    - ដាក់ពាក្យសុំ, សុំ
  • appropriate for
    - លៃទុកដោយឡែកសម្រាប់
  • argue for
    - និយាយគាំទ្រ
  • arrange for
    - រៀបចំសម្រាប់
    - សម្រួលភ្លេង
  • ask for
    - ស្នើសុំ
    - ស្នើសុំ, សុំ
    - សួររក
    - សុំ
  • ask for a second opinion
    - សួរយោបល់ពីគ្រូពេទ្យ ឬអ្នកជំនាញការមួយទៀត
  • ask for it trouble
    - ជួញទុក្ខ
  • atone for
    - សាងគុណលាងទេស, បង្កីតស្នាដៃដើម្បីលាងកំហុស
  • augur ill for
    - ទាយថាអាក្រក់, អោយហេតុមិនល្អ
  • augur well for
    - ទាយថាល្អ, អោយហេតុល្អ
  • Bank for International Settlements
    - ធនាគារសម្រាប់ដោះស្រាយចរាចរប្រាក់អន្តរជាតិ
  • bargain for
    - ត្រៀមសម្រាប់
    - រំពឹងជានឹង, មានបំណងឬត្រៀមទទួលយក
    - ត្រៀមការ, ប្រុងជើងការ
  • be in the market for something
    - រកទិញអី្វមួយ
One who takes, or that which is said on, the affrimative side; that which is said in favor of some one or something; -- the antithesis of against, and commonly used in connection with it.
Because; by reason that; for that; indicating, in Old English, the reason of anything.
Since; because; introducing a reason of something before advanced, a cause, motive, explanation, justification, or the like, of an action related or a statement made. It is logically nearly equivalent to since, or because, but connects less closely, and is sometimes used as a very general introduction to something suggested by what has gone before.
Indicating the remoter and indirect object of an act; the end or final cause with reference to which anything is, acts, serves, or is done.
In the most general sense, indicating that in consideration of, in view of, or with reference to, which anything is done or takes place.
Indicating the antecedent cause or occasion of an action; the motive or inducement accompanying and prompting to an act or state; the reason of anything; that on account of which a thing is or is done.
Indicating that in favor of which, or in promoting which, anything is, or is done; hence, in behalf of; in favor of; on the side of; -- opposed to against.
Indicating that toward which the action of anything is directed, or the point toward which motion is made.
Indicating that on place of or instead of which anything acts or serves, or that to which a substitute, an equivalent, a compensation, or the like, is offered or made; instead of, or place of.
Indicating that in the character of or as being which anything is regarded or treated; to be, or as being.
Indicating that instead of which something else controls in the performing of an action, or that in spite of which anything is done, occurs, or is; hence, equivalent to notwithstanding, in spite of; -- generally followed by all, aught, anything, etc.
Indicating the space or time through which an action or state extends; hence, during; in or through the space or time of.
Indicating that in prevention of which, or through fear of which, anything is done.