a limit is a form of:


(the point or line or level beyond which something done not continue bounds, the greatest amount allowed) ព្រំដែន, ព្រំប្រទល់, គោល establish a limit ព្រំដែន, city limit ព្រំប្រទល់ speed limit កម្រិតខ្ពស់បំផុត, catch one's limit ចំនួនកំណត់
Example: The speed limit on this road is 70 mph.
(បច្ចេកទេស) ដែនកំណត់, កម្រិតចំណត, ព្រំដែន
verbpast tense: limited ; past participle: limited ; present participle: limiting ;
កម្រិត កម្រិតព្រំដែន age limit កំណត់ពេលយូរបំផុត credit limit កំណត់ឥណទាន time limit ការកំហិតម៉ោង weight limit ការកម្រិតតម្ងន់
(TRANSITIVE) (To restrict, curb. -limited company, limited liability company company whose owners are legally responsible only to a specified amount for its debts. -limited edition edition limited to a specified number of copies) កំណត់ព្រំដែនឬព្រំប្រទល់, ជាព្រំដែននៃ, បោះគោល, ដាក់ព្រំដែន
Example: The limit of my power, Set a limit to, go beyond the limit, Within limits; within the limits of. limit his rations រឹតត្បិត, limit oneself to two ដាក់កម្រិតត្រឹមតែ, limit his freedom ដាក់ព្រំដែន
  • cash limit
    - ចំនួនកំណត់នៃសាច់ប្រាក់
  • credit limit
    - កំណត់ឥណទាន
  • lending limit
    - កម្រិតប្រាក់ដែលអោយខ្ចី, កម្រិតឥណទាន
  • limit order
    - សេចកី្តបង្កាប់កុំអោយលក់ហ៊ុនខុសពីថ្លៃកំណត់
  • limit to
    - កំហិត, កម្រិត (ត្រឹម)
  • time limit
    - កំឡុងពេលកំណត់
    - កំណត់ពេល
  • time limit for delivery
    - កាលកំណត់ប្រគល់ទំនិញ
A determinate quantity, to which a variable one continually approaches, and may differ from it by less than any given difference, but to which, under the law of variation, the variable can never become exactly equivalent.
The space or thing defined by limits.
A restriction; a check; a curb; a hindrance.
A determining feature; a distinguishing characteristic; a differentia.
verbpast tense: limited ; past participle: limited ; present participle: limiting ;
(TRANSITIVE) To apply a limit to, or set a limit for; to terminate, circumscribe, or restrict, by a limit or limits; as, to limit the acreage of a crop; to limit the issue of paper money; to limit one's ambitions or aspirations; to limit the meaning of a word.
(INTRANSITIVE) To beg, or to exercise functions, within a certain limited region; as, a limiting friar.
(TRANSITIVE) That which terminates a period of time; hence, the period itself; the full time or extent.
(TRANSITIVE) That which terminates, circumscribes, restrains, or confines; the bound, border, or edge; the utmost extent; as, the limit of a walk, of a town, of a country; the limits of human knowledge or endeavor.
border, bound, boundary, confine, edge, end, extent, limitation, restraint, restriction, terminus
boundlessness, end lessness, extension, infinity, vastness