
(the length of space between one point arid another, a distant part, being distant, remoteness, an interval between two points in time, a remote point in space or time) distance between two points ចម្ងាយ, រយៈផ្លូវ, from a distance ពីចម្ងាយ, appear in the distance. លេចចេញមកពី, ចម្ងាយ, keep one's distance ជៀស, at no great distance មិនឆ្ងាយ
  • focal distance
    - ចំងាយពីឡង់ទីរបស់ភ្នែកទៅទីតាំងដែលពន្លឺត្រូវប្រសព្វគ្នា
  • foot a distance
    - ដើរ
  • interpupillary distance
    - ចន្លោះរន្ធប្រស្រី
  • spiting distance
    - ក្នុងចម្ងាយដ៏កៀក