scallops is a form of:


(a bivalve mollusks of the genus Pectin) សំបកខ្យងខ្ចៅ, សំបកស៊ុតរឺផ្លែឈើ fried scallop លាសសមុទ្រ ម៉្យាង, scallopon a dress សំពត់ដែលជីបប៉ោងៗដូចផ្កា
verbpast tense: scalloped ; past participle: scalloped ; present participle: scalloping ;
(TRANSITIVE) (1. To edge (cloth, for example) with a series of curved projections. 2. To bake in a casserole with milk or a sauce and often with bread crumbs: scalloped potatoes. 3. To cut (meat) into thin, boneless slices. To gather scallops for eating or sale) ជីបអោយប៉ោងៗដូចផ្កា, scallop fish ដាក់ក្នុងសំបកគ្រំហើយដុត
Any one of numerous species of marine bivalve mollusks of the genus Pecten and allied genera of the family Pectinidae. The shell is usually radially ribbed, and the edge is therefore often undulated in a characteristic manner. The large adductor muscle of some the species is much used as food. One species (Vola Jacobaeus) occurs on the coast of Palestine, and its shell was formerly worn by pilgrims as a mark that they had been to the Holy Land. Called also fan shell.
One of series of segments of circles joined at their extremities, forming a border like the edge or surface of a scallop shell.
One of the shells of a scallop; also, a dish resembling a scallop shell.
verbpast tense: scalloped ; past participle: scalloped ; present participle: scalloping ;
(TRANSITIVE) To mark or cut the edge or border of into segments of circles, like the edge or surface of a scallop shell.
To bake in scallop shells or dishes; to prepare with crumbs of bread or cracker, and bake.