
Any foul or filthy matter that soils something, earth, soil, dirtiness, corruption, etc., obscene writing, any filthy substance, obscenity. -do someone dirt to perform some-thing mean or vicious to another. ធូលី
Example: Wash the dirt from one's clothes.to cat dirt សុខចិត្ដទ្រាំឱ្យគេជេរ, loose dirt ដី, dirt cheap ថោកអស្ចារ្យ, clean up dirt កម្ទេច
  • dig up dirt
    - រករឿងសំអុយ
  • dirt cheap
    - ដែលថោកមែនទែន, នៃវត្ថុកខ្វក់, មិនស្អាត, នៃចិត្ដមិនស្មោះ